Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Illegal immigration, amnesty, European Union
The North America Union's Mexico Connection

By Judi McLeod

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Mexico is sitting pretty in the event of the formation of a North American Union (NAU). Its Third World status would be wiped off the slate in the NAU.

That's because the United States of America has already absorbed millions of Mexicans and millions more keep pouring over the border.

"In a letter dated February 2004, no less an authority than Arizona Senator John McCain recognized that Border Patrol apprehension figures demonstrated that "almost four million people crossed our borders illegally (in) 2002—experts on the subject agree that illegal crossings have only increased since then." (

"The Tucson sector Border Patrol union Local 2544 on the number of illegal aliens in our nation: "There are currently 15 to 20 million illegal aliens in this country by many estimates, but the real numbers could be much higher and the numbers increase every day because our borders are not secure (no matter what the politicians tell you—don't believe them for a second)."

"In agreement with Senator McCain, our counters are calibrated to reflect an increase of 10,000 total additional illegal aliens added to the United States population each day.

Is the NAU the political answer for amnesty?

The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPPNA) sounds innocuous. Ditto for the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

While most folk are busy paying taxes, organizations with innocuous sounding names are virtually ignored. But on March 23, 2005 in Waco Texas, President George W. Bush, Mexican President Vincente Fox and Prime Minister Paul Martin issued a joint statement to announce the establishment of SPPNA. SPPNA is the frontrunner of a European Union style North American Union.

Both political parties in the US have failed John and Josephine Q. Public on border control.

Will the NAU be introduced as a necessity now that the Mexicans represent such a large part of the American population?

Patriots working around the clock to protect the sovereignty of the USA recognize the big players behind the NAU. They know that Robert Pastor, a leading intellectual force in the move to create the NAU believes a new 9/11 crisis could be the catalyst to merge the U.S., Mexico and Canada.

They know that the godfather of the crisis theorists, Canadian Maurice Strong was successful in bringing the Communist China Chery Automobile Co. to Detroit to manufacture cars that will be sold worldwide.

Patriots also know that "The Independent Task Force for North America", led by US, Canadian and Mexican officials was sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations.

Now thanks to Canadian author and politician Mel Hurtig, there are more pieces in the puzzle known as the Mexican Connection.

North American Forum confirmed participants include Arturo Sarukhan, the Coordinator of International Affairs, Campaign of Felipe Calderon and Juan Camilo Mourino, General Coordinator of President Elect's transition team.

The controversial outcome of December's presidential election in Mexico contains another piece of the NAU puzzle.

"Felipe Calderon, described as the conservative candidate and Bush favorite, reportedly defeated Andres Manual Lopez Obrador by a very narrow margin." ( "Obrador was opposed to the North American Union. Calderon supports the CFR agenda."

As the website warns, "This is not a drill! This is as real as it gets and it is happening as we speak. The only thing that can stop it is the emergence of thousands of aggressive pockets of resistance that refuse to surrender. We the People must counter-attack, using all disposable means. Your state legislators are still assessable. They must be educated on this treasonous scheme immediately and driven to take action to prevent your state from being part of the North American Union. The state has the inherent right to withdraw from the Union if the federal government signs over any of its sovereignty to the trilateral commission.

"Never give up!"

Europeans who woke up too late now call the European Union home and not the country of their birth.