Austin American-StatesmanTancredo: Mexican drug runners and gangs moving to the U.S.Presidential candidate Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo, blasted comments this week by Mexican president Felipe Calderon. -- Calderon said at his State of the Union speech Sunday that he would continue to protest "unilateral actions" of the U.S. Congress that "exacerbate the persecution" of Mexican illegal immigrants in the United States.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
Bush Still At ItFighting to Let Mexican Trucks Into U.S.
Posted by
Frank Luciano
11:24 PM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Posted by
Frank Luciano
8:26 PM
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Posted by
Frank Luciano
10:24 AM
Monday, July 2, 2007
"...I will not support any bill that does not provide this earned path to citizenship for the undocumented population..." Obama, April 3, 2006
Posted by
Frank Luciano
3:57 PM
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Posted by
Frank Luciano
11:37 PM
Friday, June 15, 2007
Posted by
Frank Luciano
11:28 PM
Once again, the Senate's "Grand Bargainers" have gone behind closed doors and struck a deal to shove a massive guest worker amnesty bill down the throats of the American people-despite their overwhelming opposition. Thursday night, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced that the Bush-Kennedy bill would be brought back to the Senate floor next week. Unlike the well-publicized press conference that unveiled the "grand bargain" back in May, last night's announcement was made by the leaders in a brief joint statement: "We met this evening with several of the senators involved in the immigration bill negotiations. Based on that discussion, the immigration bill will return to the Senate floor after completion of the energy bill."
The revival of the Bush-Kennedy amnesty bill was not a surprise to political observers, as Senate staffers had warned that the bill's proponents were engaged in urgent back room negotiations to develop a finite list of amendments. An agreement on amendments was demanded by Majority Leader Harry Reid as a condition of bringing the bill back to the floor to ensure that the bill was not filibustered with endless debate. Late Wednesday and early Thursday, word leaked out that a list of 20-22 amendments had been agreed upon-approximately half authored by Republicans and half authored by Democrats.
Then, Thursday afternoon, President Bush gave a speech to the Associated Builders and Contractors at the Capitol Hilton in Washington, D.C., where he announced that he would support immediate funding for certain border security measures found in the trigger provision of Section 1. That funding will be added by a newly-drafted amendment authored by Senators Lindsay Graham (R-SC) and Jon Kyl (R-AZ) that would essentially borrow $4.4 billion dollars from the government's general fund to immediately spend on the trigger. The money would then be repaid through the fine and fee money generated by the amnesty program in Title VI of the bill. Smiling to the audience, the President declared, "We're going to show the American people that the promises in this bill will be kept."
Interestingly, however, the President (who by the way attended the National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast this morning with Senators Kennedy and Martinez) did not explain to his big business friends his sudden enthusiasm for funding border security measures. He did not explain why he has not shown such dedication during the last six years of his presidency to enforcing our immigration laws. Nor did he mention that the language of the bill already requires the fees and fines from the amnesty program to pay for carrying out the provisions of the bill. Thus, the $4.4 billion he is promising is not new money.
What is new, however, is that the money is being fronted by the taxpayers to pay for the trigger provisions of the bill. While that is in theory a good thing, all the money in the world won't fix the problem of an arrogant Administration that refuses to enforce the law. For example, before the elections last fall, Congress overwhelmingly passed the Secure Fence Act of 2006 and appropriated $1.2 billion dollars to build the 700 miles of fencing mandated by it. Almost one year later, the Administration has only 11 miles of fence to show for it.
Members of Congress were quick to react to the President's new promises. Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) responded, "I appreciate the effort to fund border security, but there's simply no reason why we should be forced to tie amnesty to it," (Washington Post). Congressman Brian Bilbray (R-CA), Chairman of the House Immigration Reform Caucus, said, "Only in Washington would people believe that throwing money at the problem is going to solve it….This is a blatant attempt by senators to extort votes so they can fast-track an amnesty plan," (Washington Post). Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA) said, "The idea that we will have border security only if it's paid for by illegal immigrants is unacceptable," (New York Times).
Indeed, the New York Times reports that Senators are feeling the pressure from the critics of the bill. Minority Whip Trent Lott (R-MS), who supports the bill, said that, Senate Republican leaders may try to rein in "younger guys who are huffing and puffing against the bill."
Please do not let Senate Leadership — Republican or Democratic — cram this guest worker amnesty bill down the throats of the American people. When the bill comes back to the floor, there will be two critical votes. The first critical vote will be a cloture vote on the motion to proceed. Generally speaking, this is equivalent to a vote on whether the Senate can proceed on the bill. If this motion fails, the Senate cannot take up the bill again. If this motion passes, the Senate will take up the bill and debate amendments. Then (probably after a day or two) there will be a second critical vote, which will be a cloture vote to end debate on the bill. If this vote fails, the Senate cannot conclude debate on the bill and will not be able to move to a vote on final passage.
FAIR is urging all members, activists, and friends to call their Senators and urge them to vote NO ON BOTH CLOTURE VOTES. Please tell them that A VOTE FOR CLOTURE IS A VOTE FOR AMNESTY!!!!! Please let your Senators know that the American people want the enforcement of our laws-not guest worker programs and not amnesty. If you can, please visit the district offices of your Senators and Representatives and tell them the same in person or leave a hand-written note, so they know that the message is coming from a real constituent, not a special-interest group.
It has been the overwhelming response from constituents like you that made the difference on the Senate floor last week. WE NEED YOU TO REDOUBLE YOUR EFFORTS!!!
To find the phone numbers of your Senators, click here.
Posted by
Frank Luciano
11:25 PM
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Posted by
Frank Luciano
9:14 AM
Monday, June 4, 2007
In a set of divisive speeches last week concerning immigration reform, President Bush succeeded in angering people across the political spectrum by denouncing opponents to the immigration legislation he crafted behind closed doors with Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA). The Bush-Kennedy bill, unveiled to Senators just 48 hours before floor debate began, would grant amnesty to the 12 to 20 million illegal aliens in the U.S. and in addition create two new guest worker programs that would annually import hundreds of thousands of foreign guest workers. The Bush-Kennedy legislation has outraged many constituents, who have flooded the phone lines on Capitol Hill to voice their opposition.
President Bush, attempting to push back on constituent anger, gave two speeches last week that only served to fuel the fire in this debate. His first speech was at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Georgia where he ridiculed those who claim that the legislation will grant amnesty illegal aliens: "This bill is not an amnesty bill. If you want to scare the American people, what you say is, the bill is an amnesty bill. It's not an amnesty bill." Bush further brushed aside these critics, saying, "Those determined to find fault with this bill will always be able to look at a narrow slice of it and find something they don't like. If you want to kill the bill, if you don't want to do what's right for America, you can pick one little aspect out of it. You can use it to frighten people" (emphasis added). To read President Bush's speech in full, click here.
The President's words prompted swift reaction from many corners, including from fellow Republicans. Congressman Brian Bilbray (R-CA), Chairman of the House Immigration Reform Caucus, released a statement saying, "Amnesty for 12-20 million illegal immigrants isn't a "narrow slice" Mr. President, it's the whole darn pie. What part of illegal does the President not understand? The American people want us to secure the border and crackdown on the number one incentive for illegal immigration which is illegal employment - they don't want another amnesty." Congressman Lamar Smith (R-TX) ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee responded by saying, "It doesn't matter how you slice it, the Senate amnesty bill is a raw deal for American workers and the rule of law. The bill treats illegal immigrants better than those who play by the rules, wait their turn and come in the right way. Either according to a law dictionary or common sense, the Senate bill is amnesty."
Despite this negative reaction, President Bush delivered another, similar speech during an immigration briefing he attended in the Executive Office Building. There, Bush again insisted that the Bush-Kennedy legislation is not amnesty and added, "For those who call it amnesty, they're just trying to, in my judgment, frighten people about the bill." Moreover, Bush suggested that that those who oppose the bill "fear diversity" and once again questioned the patriotism of his Congressional opponents by saying "people ought to be running for office to do what's right for the United States of America." To see the President's comments in full, click here.
Group of Senate Democrats Vote to Uphold Rule of Law
In the weeks following it's release, the Bush-Kennedy Bill has received blistering criticism from both sides of the aisle because it grants amnesty to the 12 to 20 million illegal aliens currently in the United States. During debate on the Senate floor last week, Senator David Vitter (R-LA) introduced an amendment to completely strike the amnesty portion (Title VI) from the bill, which failed 29-66. Many Republican activists were outraged that Republican Senators who had promised to fight amnesty actually voted to keep it in the bill. However, the silver lining behind the vote was the number of Democratic Senators who broke party ranks and voted with Senator Vitter to strike the amnesty portion of the bill.
In fact, nine Democratic Senators were courageous enough to cast their vote in opposition to amnesty. They were Senators Max Baucus (D-MT), Robert Byrd (D-WV), Byron Dorgan (D-ND), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Ben Nelson (D-NE), Mark Pryor (D-AR), John Rockefeller (D-WV), and Jon Tester (D-MT). Commenting on his vote, Senator Nelson said, "We must secure the borders so that we don't have millions more illegal immigrants. If we do not, we will only encourage millions more to cross the border illegally in hopes of being part of the amnesty offered under this legislation." A statement released from Senator Byrd's office said, "We should not reward those who break our immigration laws… this proposal could wave a magic wand and give as many as 12 million illegal immigrants automatic legal status. This amnesty plan is no fairy tale; it is a bad dream." While Senator Landrieu did not issue a formal statement regarding the vote, her spokesman Adam Sharp stated that Landrieu does not support "a path to blanket amnesty."
Senator Dorgan not only voted to strip the amnesty from the bill, but also introduced two critical amendments (#1153 and #1181) to eliminate the guest worker program from Title IV of the Bush-Kennedy bill. Unfortunately, the amendment to delete the guest worker program failed, 31-64; the amendment to sunset the program after five years failed, 48-49. To see how your Senators voted on Dorgan Amendment #1153, click here; to see how your Senators voted on Dorgan Amendment #1181, click here.
Congressman Ellsworth Denounces Amnesty
Freshman Congressman Brad Ellsworth (D-IN) is joining an increasing number of Democrats in the House of Representatives taking a firm stance against the amnesty provisions in the Bush-Kennedy bill. Last week, Congressman Ellsworth penned an article published in the Evansville Courier & Press denouncing amnesty. He wrote: "As a former law enforcement officer, rewarding people with amnesty for breaking our laws just doesn't sit right with me…For the past five years, Congress and the president have shortchanged border security and looked the other way while our laws were broken." Ellsworth also indicated that rather than granting new protections for illegal aliens, immigration reform must first include border security, reliable employment verification, and enforcing laws that are already on the books.
To tackle one such issue, Congressman Ellsworth has introduced the 'Legal Employee Verification Act' (H.R. 1951) in an effort to safeguard well-meaning employers by ensuring their work forces are legal, while also increasing punishments and fines for employers that exploit an illegal workforce. "An abundance of jobs for illegal immigrants is one of the main causes of the immigration problem we face," said Ellsworth. "Without available jobs, illegal immigrants have little incentive to leave their native countries." He is joined on the legislation by fellow Freshman Heath Shuler (D-NC), member of the Immigration Reform Caucus.
Congressman Clyburn Sends Mixed Messages on Amnesty
House Majority Whip Congressman Jim Clyburn (D-SC) recently indicated that he is uncomfortable with the amnesty proposals currently before Congress. The Associated Press reports that while discussing the issue of immigration reform during a press conference last week Clyburn stated, "I don't think there's a quick fix to this. I don't think there's any simple way to deal with this. And I will not support amnesty for anybody, I mean, that would be rewarding bad behavior."
Despite these comments, Clyburn simultaneously expressed disapproval at the notion of sending illegal aliens back to their home countries. "I would love to see us do something with a friendly country that would set up an Ellis Island sort of process outside of the country for people to acknowledge they're in here illegally to then start the process of coming back in," Clyburn said. This statement appears to be a reference to the proposal offered last year by Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN) that would have legalized the 12 to 20 million illegal aliens by simply processing them on the other side of the border. Clyburn said the House will work off the legislation drafted by Representatives Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), also known as H.R.1645.
Senators Durbin, Grassley Propose Amendment to Prioritize American Workers
Senators Richard Durbin (D-IL) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) took an important step to protect American workers by introducing Amendment #1231 to the Kennedy/Bush amnesty bill. The amendment, by striking certain language in the "Y" guest worker program, eliminates a loophole that would allow employers of foreign guest workers to ignore protections for American workers.
In its current form, the Bush-Kennedy bill purports to protect American workers by imposing certain requirements on employers who wish to hire the new Y guest workers. These include advertising the job opening through various means at least 90 days before it will be filled and offering the job first (with same wages, benefits, and conditions) to any eligible U.S. worker who applies. It also requires that an employer certify to the Department of Labor that there are not sufficient workers who are able, willing, and qualified to fill the jobs and that good faith efforts at recruitment have taken place. However, the Bush-Kennedy bill allows employers to these requirements if the Department of Labor (DOL) simply certifies there is a shortage of workers in the occupation and area of intended employment.
Allowing employers to short-circuit the intended process through DOL shortage certifications represents a significant loophole in the Bush-Kennedy bill. It is essentially an invitation for big business to lobby the federal government for such a certification and then, when certification is received, ignore U.S. worker protections. The Durbin-Grassley amendment eliminates this loophole by deleting the exception for Department of Labor shortage certifications, and thereby ensures that all employers who use the Y visa program are looking at U.S. citizens first before looking abroad.
The Durbin-Grassley amendment is only one of many pending amendments that is expected to be debated and voted on before final passage later this week
Posted by
Frank Luciano
10:21 PM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Posted by
Frank Luciano
9:05 AM
Posted by
Frank Luciano
9:01 AM
Senate Bill 1348 Masquerades as "Real Immigration Reform" But Surrenders Public Interest For Politics!
S. 1348 Provisions
Immediate legal status and citizen benefits for 12+ million illegal aliens (Z-visas);
Admission of 400,000 additional "guest workers" plus dependents every year;
Grants amnesty to those who have broken the law, dramatically increases worker visas, and otherwise imposes impossible administration burdens on a currently dysfunctional system;
What S. 1348 Doesn't Have
Tougher penalties and enforcement requirements employer hiring illegal workers;
Clear and affordable enhanced border security measures;
What the proposed measures will cost and how they will be implemented and monitored over time;
Read FAIR's full analysis of the Z visa - a new visa in S. 1348 just for illegal aliens (PDF).
"In agreeing to this bill, the United States Senate has broken every promise that has been made to the American people," declared Dan Stein, president of FAIR.
S1348, a bill hastily developed behind closed doors, bypassed all normal processes for bill review and passage . . . in favor of pushing it through fast. The 2007 version of "immigration reform" contains the identical set of broken promises to secure the borders and enact penalties for employers who hire illegal aliens that we've heard countless times over the past 20 years.
I will support FAIR's efforts to do EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to oppose S. 1348 and all amnesty legislation and to support strong enforcement legislation to protect America by:
Making a special and urgently needed contribution now to support FAIR's efforts to stop passage of S1348 and all amnesty legislation and
Contacting my senators to let them know I oppose this legislation.
Watch Dan's Latest Media Appearance on CNBC, May 18th
"The bill reneges on promises that amnesty would never again be offered to people who are in this country illegally; it violates commitments that Congress has made to protect the interests of American workers; and it compromises the security of this nation by granting legal status to people who may pose a threat to the nation.
Adding to the betrayal, this surrender of the public interest was negotiated by senators who had personally pledged, as recently as last year, never to agree to any bill that includes amnesty." -- FAIR President Dan Stein.
"S.1348 Security and Enforcement Provisions are Less Than Meaningless" -- Dan Stein.
The bill if passed will likely run in the tens of BILLIONS to implement over the next several years, but Congress has provided no cost estimate and no impact studies. In fact the ill-conceived terms of this amnesty will impact every town, city and state in this country and will be taxpayer funded.
"The security and enforcement provisions are less than meaningless. They will either not be funded, endlessly delayed, or ignored all together," FAIR president Dan Stein declared last week. "While tens of millions of illegal aliens will reap rewards and enjoy access to the courts to appeal any denial of benefits, the American public gets shafted with no avenue for appeal."
FAIR is calling upon the Senate to delay voting on S. 1348 until the bill receives a full public hearing, and until a thorough study of its impact is completed. "This is a bill that will quite literally affect the future of this nation. Its ramifications deserve more than a weekend's review on the part of the people who will vote on it," said Stein. "We call for the defeat of this bill."
I'm showing my support of FAIR to represent my opposition to any and all amnesty proposals with my contribution!
Thank you!
P.S. you can also mail your tax-deductible contribution to FAIR at 1666 Connecticut Ave. NW #400 Washington DC 20009
Posted by
Frank Luciano
8:30 AM
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Watch Lou Dobbs Tonight ClipsCNN -- May 18, 2007Amnesty / Mex. Drugs / Verify / OpinionTranscript
Posted by
Frank Luciano
10:07 AM
Yesterday, Senators Ted Kennedy (D-MA), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Mel Martinez (R-FL), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Johnny Isakson (R-GA), Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), Ken Salazar (D-CO), Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA), Jon Kyl (R-AZ), and others announced that Senate negotiators had reached a "compromise" on immigration reform. At the press conference, Senate negotiators lauded the compromise, particularly for its bipartisan nature. "This is the best possible chance in years we will have to secure our borders, bring millions of people out of the shadows and into the sunshine of America," declared Senator Kennedy. Senator Specter insisted that in putting together the deal, the negotiators had required that illegal aliens earn their "right" to citizenship. "It is not amnesty," he said.
However, the details of this Senate compromise prove that it is nothing more than an amnesty. The language creates a "Z" visa program for illegal aliens and illegal aliens only. Specifically, the Senate deal:
Provides that Z visas last for 4 years and may be renewed indefinitely.
Waives numerous criminal provisions for eligibility purposes and no medical exam is needed up front.
Requires state and local governments are required to assist illegal aliens in providing documentation to support a Z visa application as a condition of receiving state impact assistance money.
Immediately grants probationary benefits (including work authorization, protection from removal, and a social security number) based only on an application and a 24-hour wait on a background check. Probationary benefits are not affected by the "trigger" in Title I of the bill.
Provides that any knowledge of English is required only upon the first renewal of a Z visa (i.e. after four years).
Allows Z aliens to apply for green cards and become citizens. While they must wait until some existing applications are processed, they are not required to wait in line behind those who have applied for green cards after May 1, 2005. Moreover, they get to live and work in the U.S. while they wait.
Provides that green card applications (for heads of households) must be filed in person outside the U.S. but not necessarily in the alien's country of origin. The alien can then re-enter under a Z nonimmigrant visa because it serves as a valid travel document.
Requires certain fees and a penalties. To become a Z nonimmigrant (head of household only) must pay a $1,000 penalty. To become a legal permanent resident (i.e. obtain a green card), a head of household must pay a $4,000 penalty.
Congressman Brian Bilbray (R-CA), Chairman of the House Immigration Reform Caucus, reacted swiftly to the announcement of a Senate deal:
"The 'compromise' announced today by Senator Kennedy will reward 12 million illegal immigrants with a path to citizenship - what part of illegal does the Senate not understand? Any plan that rewards illegal behavior is amnesty. You would think that the Senate would have learned their lesson after the 1986 amnesty debacle, but it looks like their idea of a 'compromise' is to repeat the failed policies of the past."
Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO) had similar words regarding the "compromise":
"Senator McCain and his allies seem to think that they can dupe the American public into accepting a blanket amnesty if they just call it 'comprehensive' or 'earned legalization' or 'regularization.' Unfortunately for them, however, the American people know amnesty when they see it."
Now its time for you to react! ON MONDAY NIGHT, the Senate will vote on whether to proceed with S.1348 (last year's guest worker amnesty bill). If this motion to proceed passes, the Senate will strip the language of S.1348 and replace it with the Senate "compromise" language. The new language, created entirely in secret, back-room negotiations, will then be debated and voted on.
Call your Senators and urge them to stop this amnesty in its tracks! Urge them to vote NO on the motion to proceed and NO on the Senate Amnesty Compromise!!!
To find the phone numbers of your Senators, click here.
Posted by
Frank Luciano
10:03 AM
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Posted by
Frank Luciano
9:36 PM
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Posted by
Frank Luciano
8:54 PM
Monday, May 7, 2007
Posted by
Frank Luciano
12:48 AM
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Associated PressLocal immigration laws bring high costsFarmers Branch, Texas -- Cities across the U.S. are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars defending themselves against lawsuits and other challenges to ordinances enacted to keep out illegal [aliens... criminals]. -- Some are warning that these communities are risking financial disaster in their effort to curb illegal immigration.
'The Boot'
Posted by
Frank Luciano
11:40 PM
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Not only are all of these negotiations going on behind closed doors, but the resulting product of those negotiations won't even be introduced as formal legislation. Congress Daily is now reporting that to get this massive guest worker amnesty plan passed, Senate leaders are planning to go to the Senate floor, amend the language onto an existing bill and then vote on it. By not introducing a formal bill and taking the debate straight to the floor, it is clear that Senate leaders are attempting to bypass the Committee review process and fast-track amnesty legislation through Congress with as little debate as possible. We need your help to stop it!!
It is IMPERATIVE that you call your Senators' offices today and urge them to oppose ANY guest worker amnesty legislation!
The debate is quickly coming to a head, and without pressure from hard working Americans, illegal alien amnesty may be passed by Congress within weeks.
To find your Senators' phone numbers, click here.
Posted by
Frank Luciano
10:17 PM
The back story here is brutal. On March 30, 17-year-old Alison Kunhardt and 16-year-old Tessa Tranchant were killed when illegal alien Alfredo Ramos slammed into their car. Ramos was drunk and had four previous beefs with the law, including a DUI conviction.
Yet, Virginia Beach Chief of Police Jake Jacocks told the press he had ordered his officers not to call Homeland Security Agents (ICE) about any "low-level" offenders because he, Jacocks, didn't believe it was his job to help the feds.
It seems to me that every law enforcement officer should want as few criminals in town as possible. Since Ramos was here in the USA illegally, and was a consistent lawbreaker in Virginia Beach, the feds could have easily removed him from the area and sent him back to Mexico. Apparently, Jacocks had a problem with that.
But not any longer, at least in public. After my reporting battered the government of Virginia Beach, it has changed its dangerous and irresponsible policy. But Jacocks got in a last shot calling me, your humble correspondent, "pathetic."
But that was an improvement over what Denver Post columnist Joanne Ostrow called me after she saw my coverage of the Virginia Beach story. Ms. Ostrow called me "racist."
So why all the anger? Doesn't it make sense that any person who is in the country illegally in the first place be deported when convicted of committing a crime on American soil? I can't read minds, but there is something very strange going on inside the "pro-immigration" movement.
When President Ronald Reagan delivered citizenship to almost three million illegal aliens in 1986 through his "amnesty" program, the entire problem of people coming to America without proper credentials was supposed to have been solved. At the time, the Atlanta Journal editorialized that "it will help stem the tide of future illegal entrants."
The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post all rhapsodized that Reagan's vision would be great for America.
So now we have four times as many illegal aliens waiting for another amnesty, with more coming every hour of the day.
With emotions running high, the federal government, never a tower of courage, does not seem able to fix the chaos. Most Americans understand that the vast majority of illegal immigrants simply want a better life and will work hard to get it. So I ask you, who wants to deny anyone a better life?
But by failing to institute standards of behavior in the immigration arena, the U.S. government puts us all at risk. There's no way on this earth that a four-time loser, in this country illegally, should have been driving around drunk. Didn't Allison and Tessa deserve to live? We have millions of Americans who drive around smashed--do we need to add to that number with insane "sanctuary" policies that protect criminal illegal aliens?
The power brokers in Virginia Beach were forced to do the right thing, but still don't believe they were ever wrong. How did things get so out of whack in America?
Posted by
Frank Luciano
10:12 PM
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Posted by
Frank Luciano
9:40 PM
Monday, April 30, 2007
Last week, FAIR combined forces with 38 radio talk show hosts and several hundred activists in Washington, D.C. for Hold Their Feet to the Fire, a national drive for immigration reform. The event, which lasted from April 22, 2007 until April 25, 2007, employed the broad reach of talk radio to give voice to millions of Americans who oppose guest worker amnesty legislation. For three days, these top-rated talk show hosts from around the country aired their shows live from Capitol Hill while hundreds of activists walked the halls of Congress urging Members to increase border security, provide employer sanctions, and oppose any legislation that would grant amnesty to illegal aliens. Listeners who were unable to make the trek to the nation's capital also took part by calling in to the radio shows from home and offering their views on the dire need for true immigration reform.
The unprecedented gathering of talk radio in Washington, D.C. garnered national attention and received coverage from the print media, bloggers, and cable news networks, including a live report aired on CNN, in which Correspondent Lisa Sylvester described the energy as "electrifying." Summing up the event, FAIR president Dan Stein declared that Hold Their Feet to the Fire "represents a new age in the battle to control our borders. We are universal in our opposition to amnesty. Every immigrant must comply with immigration laws."
FAIR would like to thank all of the participating talk show hosts and our supporters and activists for making Hold Their Feet to the Fire a tremendous success!
Senators Introduce Legislation to Increase High-Tech Worker Visas
This month, two Senators moved towards expanding our already over-burdened immigration system by introducing legislation that would dramatically increase legal immigration. On April 11, 2007, Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE) introduced the "High-Tech Worker Relief Act of 2007" (S. 1092). This legislation aims to significantly increase the number of H-1B visas and employment-based green cards issued each year. H1-B visas allow foreign workers with the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor's degree or higher to be employed on a temporary basis by American companies. The 'High-Tech Worker Relief Act' increases the current H1-B visa cap from 65,000 in 2006 to 115,000 in fiscal year 2007, and increases the level to 195,000 for fiscal year 2008, before returning the cap to 65,000 for fiscal year 2009 and beyond.
In addition to expanding the number of H-1B visas, S.1092 dramatically expands the number of green cards available to foreign workers. The bill eliminates the cap on employment-based green cards for aliens who have a graduate degree in math or science (from a foreign or U.S. university) so long has they have been working in a related field in the United States under a nonimmigrant visa for 3 years preceding their application. S.1092 also exempts immediate family members of employment-based immigrants from the cap.
The same week, Senator Cornyn, (R-TX) introduced S.1083, entitled the "Securing Knowledge, Innovation, and Leadership Act of 2007." The bill, commonly referred to as the SKIL bill, is similar to legislation Senator Cornyn introduced in the 109th Congress. S.1083 would dramatically increase the number H-1B visas, the number of employment-based green cards and would make it easier for foreign students studying math or sciences to permanently stay in the United States and compete with American workers.
ICE Conducts Immigration Raid In the Chicago Area
Last week, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers conducted a sweep of the Little Village neighborhood in Chicago, targeting a major document fraud ring that catered to illegal aliens. The raid took place Tuesday, April 23, 2007 when ICE officials received search warrants for four locations and apprehended 22 individuals for producing counterfeit documents—ten of whom were already fugitives. In doing so, ICE put an end to a multi-million dollar business.
According to the complaint filed, the fraudulent document organization originated in Mexico and sources have indicated that the ring may be based in other U.S. cities. "These ICE arrests represent a significant setback to one of the largest and most sophisticated illegal document fraud rings in the United States," said Elissa Brown, special agent in charge of the ICE Office of Investigations in Chicago to The Courier News. Of particular concern to ICE, she added, was that these fraudulent documents assist terrorists and criminals blend into society.
Despite the agency's success, ICE's tactics have come under fire from officials who believe that the federal law enforcement agency is using excessive force while conducting immigration sweeps. "I support our government's efforts to crack down on violence and document fraud," said Judiciary Chairman John Conyers (D-MI) in a release. "But the 'round-up' fashion in which this raid was conducted is of great concern." Congressman Luis Gutierrez - sponsor of the Flake-Gutierrez guest worker amnesty legislation - added, "Constituents we talked to described a war zone…." Both Gutierrez and Conyers are seeking meetings with ICE officials to discuss the matter further.
House Members Introduce Legislation to Limit Mexican Trucks in the U.S.
Bush Administration officials are moving full steam ahead with a pilot program to allow Mexican trucks to deliver goods all across the United States - possibly within the next few weeks - spurring numerous efforts to stop the program before it begins. Currently, trucks domiciled in Mexico are restricted from traveling beyond 20-25 mile "commercial zones", where they are unloaded and placed on American trucks for final delivery. The Bush Administration's plan to open U.S. borders to up to 100 Mexican trucking companies has been met with stiff opposition from consumer, environmental, labor and immigration groups.
The pilot program has also received criticism on Capitol Hill, where several Members are working hard to narrow its reach. To that end, House Member and Presidential hopeful Duncan Hunter (R-CA) introduced H.R. 1756, entitled "The North American Free Trade Agreement Safety Act". This bill would prohibit the trucking pilot program from commencing until specific safety and security conditions are met. "The NAFTA Trucking Safety Act rightfully applies to Mexican truckers the same rules and regulations applied to American truckers, preventing unqualified and inexperienced motor carriers from traveling the highways and roads within our communities," Hunter said. "If Mexican truckers cannot meet these requirements, then they should not be granted access into the United States."
In particular, the legislation:
Requires the Secretary of Transportation to publish a list of all Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations in the Federal Register, and provide information on how Mexican carriers, trucks and drivers will be required to comply.
Grants law enforcement personnel the ability to access driver, criminal and security databases to verify a cross-border drivers' risk to homeland security.
Requires the Secretary of Transportation to submit plans to Congress on ways to enforce English language proficiency - as already required by law.
Congresswoman Nancy Boyda (D-KS) has also introduced legislation to improve the accountability of the Department of Transportation in implementing the trucking pilot program. The "Safe American Roads Act of 2007" (H.R. 1773) seeks to improve transparency in the program by requiring the Department of Transportation follow existing rules on pilot programs that mandate proposing guidelines and allowing public comment before the program begins. Additionally, the bill seeks to prevent Mexican trucks from traveling beyond the 25-mile commercial zone until such point as a reciprocal program allows American trucks to deliver loads beyond commercial zones in Mexico. H.R. 1773 expressly terminates the pilot program after one year.
Despite this legislative activity in the House, it is unclear whether the Bush Administration's trucking pilot program will be halted in time. Speaking to the San Diego Union Tribune, House Transportation Committee Spokesman Jim Berard said, "At least on the House side, there doesn't appear to be any momentum toward any kind of fast-moving legislation to stop the program." Meanwhile, several organizations, including Public Citizen, the Sierra Club, the Environmental Law Foundation, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the Brotherhood of Teamsters' Auto and Truck Drivers Local 70 and the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, have filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration in federal court. The groups are seeking an injunction requiring the these agencies either to provide public notice of the pilot program and an opportunity for public comment - or to set aside the pilot project as unlawful.
Recent Floor Statements
Rep. Brad Ellsworth (D-IN) commented on Introduction Of The Legal Employee Verification Act (April 19, 2007)
Rep. Sam Johnson (R-TX) commented on Immigration (April 18, 2007)
Rep. Jon Tester (D-MT) commented on Real Id Act (April 17, 2007)
Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) commented on Open Border Chaos (April 17, 2007)
Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) commented on The Farm Labor Recruitment System (April 17, 2007)
Sen. Craig Thomas (R-WY) commented on Working Together (April 17, 2007)
Posted by
Frank Luciano
9:27 PM
Saturday, April 28, 2007
WorldNetDaily.comFeds threaten Texas over superhighway funds planThe Federal Highway Administration has threatened Texas with the loss of federal highway funds if the state continues with its legislative plan for a two-year funding moratorium on construction of the Trans-Texas Corridor. -- In the 4-page letter, FHWA Chief Counsel James D. Ray advises Michael Behrens, executive director of...
Posted by
Frank Luciano
12:05 AM
Posted by
Frank Luciano
12:05 AM
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Posted by
Frank Luciano
10:08 PM
Posted by
Frank Luciano
12:32 AM
Read the full event agenda.
Important Rally Rules from the Dustin Inman Society, which is sponsoring the rally.
Read the full rules at the Dustin Inman Society site.
Will there be counter-demonstrators?
It is likely that there will be some counter-demonstrators on Sunday. The Park Police and other law enforcement will be on-site regardless of whether illegal immigration supporters show up.
Posted by
Frank Luciano
12:11 AM
Thursday, April 19, 2007
This year's event promises to be SPECTACULAR with at least 35 radio show hosts broadcasting LIVE from Capitol Hill this Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. This event may be the largest gathering of talk radio ever in Washington D.C. and will include hosts from many of the top-rated shows in the country! Many Members have signed up to be guests on these radio shows next week, but we need more. It seems some Members are not willing to talk about immigration reform unless it is in back-room strategy sessions. In contrast, we would like you to CALL YOUR MEMBERS (Representatives and Senators) and URGE them to sign up as radio guests to talk publicly about their position on guest worker amnesty legislation.
Time is running out! Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has said he is reserving the last two weeks of May to debate guest worker amnesty legislation on the Senate floor. House leaders have said they plan to have guest worker amnesty legislation on the House floor sometime in July. Please CALL YOUR MEMBERS and tell them you would like them to go on the radio and tell the American people where they stand. If they tell you they have already signed up, please thank them and let them know you will be listening.
To find the phone numbers of your Members, click here. If the staff person you talk to asks you for details, please refer them to our website, All of the event information is accessible via the homepage.
In addition, FAIR would like to sincerely thank our members and activists who have signed up to join us here in Washington D.C. for the grassroots lobbying effort that will take place as the radio shows are broadcasting. For those of you who cannot come to D.C., you can still join us and make a tremendous difference by tuning in next week to the dozens of radio shows that will be participating in Hold Their Feet to the Fire. To see a list of the shows and stations, click here.
Posted by
Frank Luciano
8:26 PM
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Posted by
Frank Luciano
10:33 PM
Monday, April 16, 2007
Last week, President Bush traveled to the border city of Yuma, Arizona to tout his border security credentials while renewing his call for guest worker amnesty legislation. Speaking to a gathering of Border Patrol Agents, the President once again beat the drum for "comprehensive immigration reform", saying:
You cannot fully secure the border until we take pressure off the border. And that requires a temporary worker program. It seems to make sense to me that if you've got people coming here to do jobs Americans aren't doing, we need to figure out a way that they can do so in a legal basis for a temporary period of time.
The President also argued that the government must resolve the status of the estimated 11-12 million illegal aliens currently in the U.S., but said that those illegal aliens should not be given amnesty. "Amnesty," the President said, "is the forgiveness of an offense without penalty." To read the President's speech in full, click here.
Interestingly, President Bush's speech made no mention of the recently leaked White House proposal that would create three new guest worker programs—one intended to grant illegal aliens amnesty, and the other two intended to bring in hundreds of thousands of foreign workers, both high and low-skilled. President Bush, however, did say he was working closely with Republicans and Democrats to find a compromise position and that he intended to sign comprehensive immigration reform legislation into law before the end of the year.
At this point, it is unclear whether President Bush's attempt to sell Congress on guest worker amnesty legislation will be successful. Nearly 100 members of the House of Representatives recently sent a joint letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urging her not to bring guest worker amnesty legislation to the floor. And it seems that Speaker Pelosi is beginning to feel pressure, as the Washington Post reports that Pelosi informed the White House that the President must produce at least 70 Republican votes for comprehensive immigration legislation before she will bring it to the House floor. Getting those votes may prove difficult as the public is putting increasing pressure on Members to oppose amnesty.
Illegal Aliens Face IRS but Evade Homeland Security
A growing number of illegal aliens are rushing to beat the April 17 deadline for filing their taxes as they ready themselves for guest worker amnesty to be passed in Congress. Illegal aliens, using individual taxpayer identification numbers (ITINs) in lieu of Social Security numbers, are looking to make things right in hopes that "filing a tax return will eventually boost their chances of securing a green card," according to the Wall Street Journal.
ITINs, which are given out regardless of immigration status, were created by the IRS in 1996 to accommodate taxpayers ineligible for a Social Security number, such as foreign nationals with tax reporting requirements in the U.S. Since 1996, the agency has issued nearly 11 million ITINs, including roughly 1.5 million issued in 2006 alone. According to the Wall Street Journal, the government does not know how many of those taxpayers were illegal aliens, but most people who use the numbers are believed to be in the U.S. illegally.
The Wall Street Journal argues that the increasing use of ITINs by illegal aliens filing tax returns shows how some of the workers who are here in defiance of one arm of the U.S. government - the Department of Homeland Security - are filing federal tax returns with the aggressive encouragement of another - the Internal Revenue Service. "If someone is working without authorization in this country, he or she is not absolved of tax liability," IRS Commissioner Mark Everson stated in testimony before Congress. And during a National Press Club event, the IRS Commissioner expressed it this way: "We want your money whether you are here legally or not and whether you earned it legally or not."
The IRS estimates that between 1996 and 2003, the government has collected approximately $50 billion from individuals who filed with a taxpayer number; however, using ITINs to file tax returns also allows low-wage illegal immigrants to receive substantial refunds paid for by the taxes of American workers. "It makes illegals seem more embedded in U.S. society," said Steve Camarota, Director of Research at the Center of Immigration Studies. "It just creates a greater contempt for immigration law."
To compound the problems, federal law prevents the IRS from disclosing taxpayer information to the Department of Homeland Security, essentially requiring the IRS to look the other way when it receives tax information that suggests fraudulent activity (either by employers or illegal aliens). These roadblocks have created frustration by concerned citizens and organizations alike. Mark Krikorian, Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies told the Wall Street Journal, "A major organ of the U.S. government is saying it's OK to be illegal as long as you send in your return."
Study Shows Illegal Aliens Given a Free Pass for Crossing the Mexican Border
A recently released Syracuse University study added further support to the notion that most illegal aliens cross into the United States without punishment. According to the analysis of federal data, 98 percent of illegal aliens who crossed the border between October 1, 2000, and September 30, 2005 (nearly 5.3 million illegal aliens) were not prosecuted after being apprehended. Although nearly a million illegal alien arrests are made every year, virtually all of the arrested aliens are escorted to the border and freed without consequence. Commenting on the study to the Associated Press, Kathleen Walker, President-Elect of the American Immigration Lawyers Association said that the likelihood of an illegal immigrant being prosecuted is "to me, practically zero."
The struggle to punish illegal border crossers has been noted by numerous other sources. Last year, for example, a publication for the federal courts described the courts along the southwest border as in "crisis mode," contending with criminal caseloads that have skyrocketed since the late 1990s. It states: "A person who enters the United States illegally to look for work and has no other criminal charge pending typically may be "voluntarily returned" to Mexico more than a dozen times before facing the charge of illegal entry. Some did not get into federal court until they amassed 60 voluntary returns." (emphasis added). To read the full newsletter article, click here.
Justice Department officials defend this practice by asserting that if every illegal immigrant were prosecuted, it would drain department resources as well as overshadow more important investigations. "When you consider the other high-priority laws that the department is charged with enforcing, such as drug trafficking, firearms offenses, violent crime, national security, child pornography, and corporate fraud, the department is achieving a balance of immigration enforcement with other important areas," said Justice Department spokesman Dean Boyd to the Associated Press. Under current law, a first offense is considered a misdemeanor - punishable by a fine and up to six months in prison, and a subsequent offense is supposed to carry up to two years of imprisonment.
Poll Shows Americans Want More Enforcement of Immigration Laws
Last week, Zogby released the results of a poll conducted March 22-26 to gauge Americans' attitudes toward issues related to illegal immigration, such as enforcement and government-run day labor sites for illegal aliens. Overall, the poll shows that most Americans favor increased enforcement of U.S. immigration laws.
Specifically, the results of the nationwide poll show that a 66 percent majority of voters believe that more emphasis should be placed on law enforcement with regard to illegal immigration, while 24 percent feel that current enforcement levels should remain the same. In addition, 72 percent of respondents said they believe local law enforcement officers should help enforce federal immigration laws - including 40 percent of Hispanics. Finally, 79 percent of respondents said they feel public officials should not utilize taxpayer funds to operate day labor sites that aid illegal aliens, including 71.9 percent of Hispanics.
"The American people speak with one voice on the topic of illegal immigration. Virtually every voter demographic - even those supposedly most sympathetic to illegal aliens - want our illegal immigration laws to be strictly enforced," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "Overwhelmingly, the American people want local officials to help address illegal immigration through law enforcement, not taxpayer subsidies and 'sanctuary' policies."
Posted by
Frank Luciano
10:48 PM