Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Stealing From Peter to Pay Pedro
Written by John Lillpop
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Fabian Nunez is a political warrior in the Reconquesta movement, a group of angry brown men and women who believe that the southwestern United States still belongs to Mexico.

Nunez and banditos of his ilk apparently have little or no regard for the Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo, which was ratified by both the United States and Mexican congresses in 1848. That treaty ended any and all claims that Mexico had to land now a part of the United States.

Hispanic activists like Nunez also discount American sovereignty, borders, and immigration laws as racist barriers designed solely to keep “people of color” out of America. In his view, any Latino who wants to enter America is entitled to do so when and where he or she chooses—simply because he or she is brown.

Has there ever been a more contemptible definition of racism?

Unfortunately for California and its good people, Fabian Nunez has been installed as the Speaker of the California State Assembly. This coveted position was gifted to the Nunez by Democrats eager to snare the Hispanic vote, regardless of the impact on the Golden State.

After all, power is power, and, besides, since when do Democrats give a tinker’s dam about anything but power?

Nunez’s latest legislative proposal calls for insuring all Californians, including illegal aliens who, coincidentally, just happen to be overwhelmingly from Mexico.

The speaker said that he is adamant about insuring all California children--whether they are legal residents or not. "The only document I care about for children is a clean bill of health," Nunez said, exposing his blatant disregard for American taxpayers, law, and responsible governance.

As with most liberals, Nunez also chooses to ignore the wishes of the majority of Californians who are opposed to providing public services, including health care, to those here illegally.

Most people believe that no taxpayer money--local, state, or federal--should be spent on illegal aliens. Rather, many believe that such people and their children should be returned to their nation of origin, which for the overwhelming majority is Mexico.

The Mexican government, not U.S. taxpayers, should bear the responsibility for the health and well being of Mexican citizens.

Health care will be a major issue in California in 2007. Whether or not socialists like Fabian Nunez are able to fleece California taxpayers will depend in large measure on our Republican governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The governor has indicated that health care is an issue that must be addressed, but has refused to even consider a tax increase to pay for universal coverage. But proposals like those advanced by Nunez are impossible without increasing income taxes, or by forcing California businesses to absorb crippling costs.

The bottom line: In order to prevent Democrats from robbing Peter to pay Pedro, California needs its superstar governor to just say NADA to Nunez and socialized medicine.